Transformed! My first two books repackaged

In the early 2000s, I browsed a secular book store in its self-helps section. My wife, Diane, was shopping elsewhere. I noticed several popular Christian authors' books were in this section, promoting how to become successful and becoming a better you. I thought for a moment and wondered why a Christian author, with a conservative view of the Bible, had not written a presentation of Christianity from a purely "positive thinking" slant, but use the Gospel as its core foundation.

I mentioned it to Diane as we were driving home from this mall. She said maybe I should write it? Now that was a challenge for me. So I began writing a book entitled, Metamorphosis - Changes From Within (c) 2002. I used the fruit of the Spirit for chapter guidelines. I sent the manuscript to several agents and publishers, but no one was interested. (In fact, one company responded that my title was too complicated to be considered. Since then, several books have come out using the metamorphosis word. But I digress.) I decided to self-publish the book and the rest is history. Over five hundred copies have either been sold or distributed.

As people read it, many asked if I would consider a second book that went further in starting the Christian life. So, Metamorphosis 2 - The Transforming Power of Intimacy with God (c) 2004, followed. As the first book zeroed in on the "wedding day" of becoming a Christian, Meta. 2 became the "marriage" of Christianity (a person becoming one with Jesus). Again, about five hundred copies have come and gone, with just a handful remaining.
When it came time to order new copies, I had already updated both books, correcting some typos and clarifying some statements. I also considered changing the title in order to please a few critics to make it easier to say. Therefore, Transformed! - The Power of God's Presence (c) 2010, was produced. It has both Meta. books in it.
So there is the story behind this book that I am featuring in this blog post. You can purchase it from this website at a discount, or, if you order any novel, I will send Transformed! to you for free ($2 for shipping). It is still a very positive approach for someone who needs to consider becoming a Christian. Just email me so I will know to add it to your order.